Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pakistan supports the Afghan leadership in the process of national reconciliation

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani
Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said Pakistan will continue to support the reconciliation process led and directed by Afghans, for their benefit and negligible at the same time, instability in Pakistan. He stressed that peace in Afghanistan is very important for peace and security in Pakistan.

This came during an interview Gilani to the Senate delegation was received by the Afghan official residence in Islamabad this afternoon.

The Prime Minister said that Pakistan and Afghanistan, the victims of terrorism and that they should unite to fight the common enemy, pointing out that Pakistan has suffered because of terrorism that killed more than thirty thousand civilians and more than five thousand soldiers and security personnel.

And on Pakistan's decision not to attend the Bonn conference, the prime minister said that Afghan President Hamid Karzai has tried to persuade him to participate, but told him of his part that there is a lot of resentment in Pakistan, warning that he's fighting a war against terrorism can not fight a war or won, if not the people with him.

Gilani said that Secretary of State Hannah Rabbani Khar will visit Afghanistan tomorrow and meet with Afghan President, will also be invited to the Afghan President to visit Pakistan at the time of the joint session of Parliament so that He could also meet with political leadership
Of the country.

Gilani stressed the importance of exchange of parliamentary delegations to strengthen the fraternal relations between the two countries and their people .. and said that exchange of visits between parliamentarians is necessary to strengthen the bilateral relations and added that Pakistan has always made unremitting efforts and sincere to improve relations with Afghanistan.

He pointed out that Pakistan extended full cooperation with the Afghan team, who visited Islamabad to investigate the assassination of Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani, the Afghan peace envoy .. The Gilani said Pakistan is committed to completing construction of a road Torkham - Jalalabad.

Afghan Parliamentary delegation was composed of 12 members, led by virtue of the Pacific Muslimar, President of the Senate of Afghanistan "(Meshrano Jirga), arrived in Islamabad on Monday to meet the special invitation of the President of the Senate Farooq Naúq.


Dozens dead in Pakistan clashes

Pakistani police intensify the spread in the locations that saw a suicide attack in Peshawar
Dozens were killed in clashes between troops and militants in Pakistan's tribal border area with Afghanistan, north-west of the country Tuesday, while killing at least ten people work in sectarian violence in the city of Karachi in southern Pakistan.

He said Pakistani security officials said fighting erupted when militants attacked a security post in the province honored tribal Joji near Pakistan's border with Afghanistan.

The officials said that at least ten soldiers were killed and 32 others wounded, while 40 militants were killed and 30 wounded after the Pakistani military forces to respond and call the military helicopters to support the troops.

The military official said a local that more than 300 Taliban attacked a control center in the middle of last night, the army said the Taliban did not succeed in driving out paramilitary elements of the checkpoint that was held recently on this road "used by rebels on a regular basis" to go to the Kurram Agency in the north Waziristan, a stronghold of Pakistani Taliban.

Chen and Pakistani army troops backed by air force operations against militants in the area of ​​generosity since the beginning of this year, and the fighting is concentrated particularly in the area of ​​Joji, killing four soldiers and at least 30 militants in clashes last week's capabilities.

Taliban and Pakistan based group allied with al Qaeda and the Taliban - who are fighting foreign forces in Afghanistan - in the tribal areas in north-eastern Pakistan.

And ended in a series of attacks by the military failed, and failed to break the power of the group, did not achieve a preliminary peace talks between Pakistan and the Taliban made little progress so far, and previous peace agreements have failed to improve the level of security.

Sectarian violence
In the city of Karachi, the economic capital of Pakistan, police said today that at least 10 people were killed within 24 hours in political violence - religious.

She explained that among the victims wife and daughter of a lawyer in the province of Baluchistan in the southwest, where the mother and daughter returning home from a wedding last night when they were intercepted by unknown car on motorcycles and opened fire on them killing the driver as well.

Said Sharafuddin Memon, a senior official at the Interior Ministry in the state of the bond that "some were killed for religious reasons", in reference to the killing of Shiites by Sunni extremists, particularly in Karachi.

The security official in the city that these acts of violence that killed 25 people, mostly Shiites, including three lawyers and two doctors within a week.

Recorded and assassinations carried out by armed criminal gangs because of political differences, ethnic and sectarian regularly in this city with a population of more than 18 million people.

The Pakistani non-governmental organizations, said about 100 people died in 2011 in Karachi by the acts of violence, including 100 in one week in October / November last year.


Killing at least 20 members of the Taliban in Pakistan army air strike

Pakistani army continues its military operations against Taliban
Pakistani military announced that at least 20 members of Pakistan's Taliban movement were killed on Wednesday in army shelling of the tribal areas of northwest Pakistan stronghold of these Alemtemrdihn the Islamists and the main sanctuary for al Qaeda in the world.

Targeting in the Orakzai tribal hideouts of the Taliban, Pakistan, the main responsible for the wave of attacks - especially suicide bombings - which killed about five thousand people in each country during more than four years.

Said a senior official in the army on condition of anonymity, told AFP: "We have four strongholds were destroyed and could be a toll greater than that." And can not verify the tolls that are declared by the military operations against Islamist insurgents, preventing journalists from reaching the tribal areas, mostly under the control of the Taliban.

The raid targeted an air fighter stronghold of rebels under the leadership of Mullah and Mullah flood Mohiuddin known that they were from Pakistan, Taliban leaders. He said another official said killed 20 people, at least until time "indicated some of the information to the death of Mohiuddin in the raid." The tribal areas of northwest Pakistan bordering Afghanistan when a Taliban stronghold and haven for allies of al Qaeda and a rear base for the Taliban's Afghanistan mission.


Pakistan: 40 dead, "one Taliban" in combat and 11 in sectarian violence

Taliban fighters in Pakistan's Orakzai
Killed at least 11 people by the sectarian violence in Karachi, as many as 40 of the "Taliban" were killed in clashes with army troops from West Pakistan.
An official at the Interior Ministry Sharafuddin Memon, yesterday, said that 11 "at least one person killed in assassinations in the early hours of the ¯ 24 last," adding that "some were killed for religious reasons", in reference to the killing of members of the Shiite minority at the hands of Sunni extremists, especially in Karachi, Pakistan's economic capital.
He explained that among the dead wife of the local council of the city and his daughter, a doctor and three-movement activists, "MQM".
It is noteworthy that Karachi is witnessing a continuous wave of violence claiming the lives of dozens, that does not work with the imposition of curfew for long periods in reducing this phenomenon.
Competing party "the people" movement "of migrant nationalism" and "the Islamic Group," Pakistan Movement "MQM" for influence in the city, note that the latter have a widespread influence.
In the north-west Pakistan, killing at least ten soldiers and wounded 32 others, while killing 40 of the "Taliban" and 30 wounded in clashes erupted after rebels attacked a military checkpoint.
The military said in a statement that he was forced to send helicopters to support troops in the battles that took place in the Kurram tribal region bordering Afghanistan.
He pointed out that the movement did not succeed in driving out the elements of the paramilitary checkpoint, which was held recently, on the road "used by rebels on a regular basis," to go to the Kurram Agency in North Waziristan, the stronghold of the "Taliban" Pakistan.
On the other hand, approved of President Barack Obama, the day before yesterday, that he is waging strikes by drones against "Al Qaeda" in Pakistan, now that Washington refrain until the present time to confirm this officially raids.
During the question and answer session with the pioneers of the Internet on my site "Google" and "YouTube", Obama's response to a question on the use of his drones by saying "Of course, many of these strikes targeting the tribal areas" north-west Pakistan.
He explained that these "operations have generally been targeted precisely against" Al Qaeda "and its allies, adding," There is a belief that we are fighting a lot of strikes at random, it targets specific actions, directed against the persons included on the list of terrorists and seeking exposure to the Americans. "
He stressed the need that "everyone understands that it be supervised very closely."


Pakistan Foreign Minister begins visit to Afghan capital

Pakistan Foreign Minister
Started and Foreign Minister of Pakistan Hannah Rabbani Khar on Wednesday visit to the Afghan capital of Kabul for talks with the Afghan leadership on the overall bilateral relations.

The radio said the Pakistani official Rabbani and arrived Tuesday morning on a visit to Kabul to hold talks with Afghan officials about the status of regional security and reconciliation process.

It was anticipated visit to Kabul in Khar to pave the way for the resumption of the peace efforts between the two countries, an effort that stopped after the assassination of the Afghan peace envoy Burhanuddin Rabbani in September / September.

For his part, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Tuesday that his country will continue to support the reconciliation process led and directed by Afghans, for their benefit and do not cause the same time, instability in Pakistan.

Gilani stressed that peace in Afghanistan is very important for peace and security in Pakistan.

The Prime Minister said that Pakistan and Afghanistan, the victims of terrorism, so they cooperate to fight this common enemy, pointing out that Pakistan has suffered because of terrorism that killed more than thirty thousand civilians from their children, as well as the number of more than five thousand soldiers and security personnel.

Gilani said that Pakistan's Foreign Minister Hanna Rabbani Khar is scheduled to be invited to the Afghan President to visit Pakistan at the time of the joint session of Parliament so that He could also meet the political leadership of the country.

The Gilani said Pakistan has always made great efforts to improve relations with Afghanistan, pointing to his country's cooperation with the Afghan team, who visited Islamabad to investigate the assassination of Burhanuddin Rabbani, the Afghan peace envoy.

Gilani renewed emphasis on Pakistan's commitment to complete the construction of a road Torkham - Jalalabad.


Obama admits using spy planes in Pakistan and Iraq

President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama that he is waging strikes by drones against al Qaeda in Pakistan, now that Washington refrain yet officially confirmed the raids. During the question and answer session with the pioneers of the Internet on my Google and YouTube, Obama defended these operations, and said: «Of course, many of these strikes targeting the tribal areas of northwest Pakistan». And that «is keen that people understand that the drones do not cause the fall of a large number of civilian victims».
Obama said: «There is a belief that we fight a lot of strikes randomly. It targets specific actions, directed against the persons included on the list of terrorists and seeking exposure to the U.S. », saying« it is important that everyone understands that it be supervised very closely ».
In response to the words of U.S. President, Pakistan stressed that the raids carried out by drone illegal and counterproductive, and therefore is unacceptable, and that Islamabad would take a firm stand them.

Some flights in Iraq
In this context, the U.S. president said on the report of the New York Times under the title «U.S. aircraft without a pilot in the skies of Iraq raises resentment Iraqis»: The «truth of the matter we do not carry out air strikes from unmanned aircraft in Iraq». The «There are some acts of espionage to ensure the protection of our embassy compound». He added that the United States respects the sovereignty of all countries, even used the drones on the borders of countries.
For its part, said a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Victoria Nuland: It may be in the ministry program of drones used by «but very small and unarmed and unable to arms and is designed to provide assistance through the provision of images to us on our facilities to help protect them». The newspaper Al-Sabah said that the government and the House of Representatives rejected a U.S. plan to deploy reconnaissance aircraft under the pretext of protecting its diplomats, and saw the flight of any aircraft in Iraqi airspace without official permission, a violation and a violation of international conventions, and the terms of the security agreement signed between Baghdad and Washington.


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

India requests the extradition from Pakistan in Mumbai attacks

Mumbai attacks
New Delhi: India seeks the extradition of Hafiz Saeed, the master plan for the Mumbai attacks, two Pakistani intelligence officers as well as customers group "Lashkar" from Pakistan during the visit of the Judicial Commission of Pakistan scheduled for Mumbai Friday.

The newspaper "Aichiyan Egg" today that the National Investigation has decided not to wait to try those accused in the Mumbai attacks and start in pursuit of receipt of the defendants in the case pointed out that the anti-terrorism court Pakistani prosecute seven suspects, including the commander of the group "Lashkar" Zaki Rahman, accused of plotting and the financing of the attacks that occurred in 2008, killing 166 people.

She added that the Indian government will shortly written request to the United States to receive the American customer Pakistani origin David Coleman Headley and his colleague Tahor Rana, who conducted their trial in the United States, noting that the visit of the Judicial Commission of Pakistan for the Mumbai target recording the testimony of witnesses and investigators in the Mumbai attacks to help in the investigations conducted by the Pakistan on the subject.

The newspaper quoted sources in the National Investigative Service, the Ministry of the Interior Indian concerned about the slow trial in Pakistan and that the Commission will not wait for the completion of the trial and will request from Pakistan hand over seven co-defendants, asserting that the request for extradition will be made through diplomatic channels.


Haqqani fled from Pakistan after the lifting of the ban by the Supreme Court

Husain Haqqani

Former Pakistani ambassador rushed in Washington, Husain Haqqani Tuesday to leave the country after the Supreme Court lifted a travel ban that was imposed on it.

Haqqani and arrived to the Benazir Bhutto International Airport under heavy security guard, without giving any statements to the media.

Haqqani and left Islamabad in the early hours of Tuesday morning on a flight with Etihad Airways to United Arab Emirates on his way to Abu Dhabi, and from there to the United States.

The Supreme Court of Pakistan has allowed the Haqqani yesterday to travel abroad on a petition filed by lawyer Asma Jahangir entrusted to him paid by the sons of her client that the residents abroad, and that he should be allowed to visit them.

The Haqqani, a key figure in the scandal, "Memo Gate", which erupted last month, and caused great strain between the civilian government and powerful military establishment in Pakistan after it was attributed to Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari ordered that a confidential memo to the United States requesting from Washington to support his intention to change the leadership of the army and to include intelligence officers loyal to him and to the West.


Pakistan looking for reconciliation with Afghanistan

Pakistani Foreign Minister Hanna Rabbani Khar
The visiting Pakistani Foreign Minister Hanna Rabbani Khar, Afghanistan, Wednesday to discuss the reconciliation efforts between the two countries, according to a press report.

The Pakistani newspaper The News that Hanna will head a small delegation on a trip one day to the Afghan capital Kabul in the first of February.

The Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani asked earlier this month, from Hana to go to Kabul before a summit on the future of Afghanistan.

Pakistan and boycotted last month's international conference on Afghanistan, Germany, aimed at the development of programs for the development of this country, after the government full responsibility for the security and development following the withdrawal of NATO forces him starting in 2014.

He criticized Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Pakistan's province of the Conference, and accused her of refusing to stand by the Afghan government in its efforts to find a political settlement with the Taliban.

The United States believes that Pakistan has a vital role in efforts to end the war in neighboring Afghanistan, where fighting NATO forces (NATO) led by the American Taliban.

Said Hanna told Reuters on January 19, said that relations
Pakistan with the United States is still outstanding after the air attack by NATO-border raid that killed Pakistani soldiers, and that Washington should not push her to pursue the armed groups or to work on their involvement in the Afghan peace process.

And accuses the United States, Afghanistan, Pakistan supported the Taliban.


Afghan peace negotiations .. And the role of Pakistan

Afghan peace negotiations
Identical, said yesterday that the negotiations will be held between the Afghan government and the "Taliban" in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which supported the United States and Pakistan.
The source said an Afghan diplomat, "will attend a delegation from the Afghan government and the last of the" Taliban "to the Kingdom (Saudi Arabia) in an unspecified time for negotiations," explaining that he did not specify the place, too.
And on the presence of a third party negotiations, the source said, "Until now, there is no third party attended."
As I mentioned several sources that Pakistan and Afghanistan are trying to start negotiations with the "Taliban" in Saudi Arabia, which supported the United States.
A member of the leadership of the "Taliban" in the city of Quetta, western Pakistan: "The Afghan and Pakistani governments are pushing the idea that the" Taliban "to have a liaison office in Saudi Arabia because they believe they ruled out" from the forthcoming talks in Qatar between the rebel movement and the United States.
He added that "Pakistan is trying to divide the" Taliban "into two categories, one in Qatar in talks without involving Pakistan and other (insurgents) in favor of Pakistan are considered to have been marginalized, and they want another office in Saudi Arabia."
For his part, said an Afghan official source to the possibility of holding negotiations in Saudi Arabia or in Turkey, two countries which were proposed in the beginning to host the office for ¯ "Taliban."
Also plans to put pressure on Pakistan, Afghanistan to contact the leaders of the "Taliban" during a visit by Foreign Minister Hanna Rabbani Khar, Pakistan to Kabul and one-day, where Afghan officials hope to ease tension across the border and to pave the way for peace negotiations with the militants.
A spokesman for the Afghan Foreign Ministry Jinan G. Moses, "We hope to be launched (visit) a new phase in the relationship between the two countries."
Security sources said an Afghan high level: The Afghan officials Sistaanon visit Khar, to press for the connection Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, one of the founders of the "Taliban" and was arrested in Pakistan in 2010, as well as other members of the Council of the "Taliban" which is known as the "Quetta Shura" the proportion of to the Pakistani city of Quetta, which is said to be the leaders of the movement where they live.
A security source said an Afghan high-level "when it comes to the Pakistani delegation here (Kabul), we will ask directly or contact the collective leadership of Quetta Mullah Baradar is being held by Pakistan as a gesture of goodwill."
The source, who requested anonymity: "We want truthful cooperation from Pakistan with regard to the peace talks."
He said an Afghan official in Riyadh said the peace talks between the "Taliban" and the Afghan government will be held in Saudi Arabia this year, but no date has been fixed.
These developments come after the announcement of a former official in the "Taliban" that the negotiators representing the movement in Qatar began preliminary talks with U.S. officials aimed at ending the war has continued for ten years in Afghanistan.
Molloy said Registry of religion who was the leader of the religious police during the reign of the "Taliban" (1996-2001) "has not yet started the actual peace talks, but they began the process of building confidence and will take some time."XX
