Monday, January 30, 2012

Former Pakistani Ambassador Husain Haqqani

Husain Haqqani
The United States urged Islamabad to ensure "fair treatment" of the former Pakistani Ambassador Hussein Haqqani, accused of giving the Americans a note asking them to prevent the army from coming to power.

A spokeswoman for the U.S. State Department Victoria Nuland, told reporters, "We hope that all measures are designed to solve Ambassador Haqqani put fairly and transparently and in the shortest possible time limits (...) In the framework of respect for international standards."

She added, "watching the situation carefully."

After this case, dubbed "Memoget", I asked Haqqani, the Pakistani government to resign and ordered an investigation. And invited the former ambassador, who denies his involvement in this case to appear before the court.

And requests the classified document delivered to U.S. help Washington to prevent a possible coup, the army after the operation carried out by a private American force killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in northern Pakistan in the second of May last.

Accused of a large part of the parties to the case of President Asif Ali Zardari that he wrote the note.


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