Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Reload this «Google» Privacy Policy chagrin of users

Reload this step has raised privacy policy search engine giant Google, has outraged a number of U.S. and international community, to attach things to collect information about users of its sites, according to the mentioned site «CNN» story.

And resulted in the charges, which states that Google, interfere in the privacy of users and stores it for undisclosed reasons, to send eight members of Republicans and Democrats in U.S. Congress, a letter to the CEO of Google, Larry Page, demanding clarification of the new changes in our Privacy Policy for users. The response of Google, that the purpose of these updates is to increase the effectiveness of the unique experience offered by the company for users of their sites, as well as to identify targets more accurately for publicity materials, published on their backward, which would facilitate the delivery of advertising material to persons targeted with high accuracy.

Showed a number of studies to the arrival of a number of Internet users in the world to five times than it was in 2000, bringing the figure to 2.1 billion users, or about 30 per cent of the proportion of the globe, and concentrated most of these users in China and the United States of America.
The data show that the study that the largest percentage of Internet users around the world are located in the United States that have 245 million Internet users, or about 80 per cent of the population of the United States, while the number in China to 485 million users, or about 36.3 per cent of the total population there.


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