Monday, January 30, 2012

America recognize: the doctor who Arshad Bin Laden was an agent of U.S. intelligence

Osama Bin Laden
The United States acknowledged publicly for the first time, that the Pakistani doctor who suspected a long time to collect vital evidence as a prelude to the assassination of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, was in fact acting for the benefit of U.S. intelligence.

He said U.S. Secretary of Defense to weigh Panetta, in a TV interview, "The doctor Shaquille Afridi has submitted evidence that the compound in Abbottabad, which has been tracking special courier to bin Laden, is already the leader of Al Qaeda hiding place." Have helped to information provided by the physician of President Barack Obama on the attack speed of the decision in May / May last to be killed bin Laden. To the Pakistan, which took place in great embarrassment, Afridi doctor arrested on charges of collaborating with foreign bodies, to be put in prison since then. Panetta said he was "very concerned" about the doctor. Panetta did not give any other details, but the records of the previous briefing, both in the United States or Pakistan has provided details of U.S. officials verify that the tall, bearded man who was spotted walking inside the compound was in fact bin Laden. Could not image a long-term to confirm the identity of the man, but the Americans were strongly suspected of having found their goal.
Recruitment has been Afridi doctor, medic, responsible for health in the Khyber, by the intelligence agency to collect evidence from the DNA of the children inside the compound to make sure they are the sons of bin Laden, who rarely went anywhere for a long time without them. The plan was to visit the compound to give children the hepatitis B vaccine as do local health program, with the use of nurse giving the vaccine in the collection of genetic samples, either through effects on blood samples from syringes, needles or through an electronic device with his campaign. Have been obtained the necessary evidence to make sure it is the right place.
Have embarrassed the process of Pakistan on several levels, first to the fact that the United States capable of launching such an operation on its territory, and secondly because they are not informed Pakistan what would be even finished the process, and thirdly by suggesting that the participation of Pakistan in the hunt for al Qaeda leader was not serious. He said Panetta that he should not forget the briefing the compound wall of a huge rise 18 feet surrounding the most complex in the region, which makes it necessary to ask for how not to cause it in any doubt of the Pakistani security services, stressing his conviction that there are members of the Pakistani government "knew the existence of an important person within the complex, "but not sure they knew that this person is bin Laden or not.
And on the charge of treason to the doctor Afridi, Panetta said that there was no treason in it, Pakistan and the United States have a common cause against terrorism, and Islamabad to take such action against a man who helped prosecute terrorism is "a real mistake." The news agency "Associated Press," Saturday, said Pakistan hopes to resolve the matter quietly, perhaps through the delivery of Afridi for the detention of the United States, according to two Pakistani officials, a request for anonymity, because of the continuing investigations.


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