Monday, January 30, 2012

Pakistani Interior: Musharraf's arrest if he returns

Pervez Musharraf

Interior Minister Rehman Malik said on Wednesday that the Pakistani authorities will arrest the former military ruler Pervez Musharraf in the event of his return to Pakistan, as announced after three years in voluntary exile.
The owner of the Shura Council of Pakistan «I assure the Council that he would be arrested if the distinguished landing on the territory of Pakistan, as it is classified as a wanted criminal to justice». He added that «there are three cases registered against him and was named in these cases, and then arrested».
In a word, over the phone, delivered by Musharraf during a rally in Karachi, Pakistan's biggest city, on the eighth of January, he promised the former governor to return to his country in the period between the seventh and twenty and thirty of January to contest the general elections expected to take place later this year .
Musharraf had seized power in 1999 in the third military coup witnessed in Pakistan, to become the fourth military ruler of the country.
However, it was forced to leave the presidency in August 2008 after the formation of Pakistan People's Party government in the aftermath of the elections.
The court issued an order in October, his arrest for the killing of rebel leader Akbar Bugti in Balochistan province, south west of the country during a raid carried out by the army in 2006.
Also issued by another court in February of last year, a warrant of arrest for the killing of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in a huge explosion in 2007.
On the other hand, said a lawyer for the Pakistani government, on Wednesday, she can ask Switzerland to return to open an investigation of corruption against President Asif Ali Zardari also ordered the judiciary, but he enjoys immunity as head of state.
Geelani's lawyer said that the best pride «writing a letter to Swiss authorities is not a problem», pointing out that the Prime Minister may be subject to pressure the judiciary and directs the message to the Swiss.
The «But Asif Ali Zardari had full immunity in Pakistan and abroad under his head».
In March / March 2010, considered the Prosecutor of the Geneva Convention, which was the Swiss case against Zardari in 2008 that the «impossible» re-open the file because of that immunity.
In December 2009, the Supreme Court overturned the amnesty decree issued in 2007 exempts the next President Zardari at the time of prosecution for corruption, especially in the case of embezzlement of public funds from bank accounts in Switzerland. The court accused the government of failing to act for the resumption of prosecutions.
And increasing pressure on the Supreme Court Gilani, reinforcing pressure on the heads of state and government accuses the press and public opinion of corruption and abuse of power and run the risk of anti-strong army against the backdrop of a severe economic crisis.
Although the army has ruled out the possibility of a coup, analysts expect this to result in pressure on the government to early elections this year.


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