Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Maya Khan, a Pakistani broadcaster separated from her by the pursuit young couples with a television show

Maya Khan

Pakistani television news anchor was removed from her job after the workshop made a morning in which the ambush of young couples and demanded to know whether they were involved in unethical behavior.
The Maya portrayed the anchorwoman of Pakistan Khan "sky", a wander in the postponement of a park in the city of Lahore, Pakistan, asking young people about their condition and whether they are married or engaged and their parents if they know their relationship.

In a particular scene, the Maya, "31" years and attributed to it by the title of "Aunt Altjh" claim by showing a couple and the marriage certificate.
The program has raised anger and outrage among viewers nicknamed as the "witch hunt" has thousands of viewers expressed their displeasure Within hours of the broadcast program has been providing a lot of protests calling for the separation announcer.

In the desert Maya Khan defended itself, saying that the critics do not even watch the show, but the next day, Maya appeared in a video made ​​after the apology was to bring a lawsuit against the many.


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